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Can I save items in my wishlist or shopping cart for future reference?

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Yes, you can typically save items in your wishlist or shopping cart for future reference. Here's how you can do it:

1. Add items to your wishlist: While browsing the website, when you come across an item you're interested in, look for an option or button that allows you to add it to your wishlist. This is often represented by a heart icon or a "Add to Wishlist" button. Click on it to save the item.

2. Access your wishlist: To view your wishlist, usually, there will be a link or icon representing a wishlist. It may be located in the header or navigation menu of the website. Click on the link or icon to access your saved items.

3. Manage your wishlist: Once you're in your wishlist, you can review the items you've saved. You may have options to remove items, add notes or comments, or prioritize certain products.

4. Add items to your shopping cart: When you decide to purchase an item from your wishlist, you can add it to your shopping cart directly from the wishlist page. Look for a button or option that says "Add to Cart," "Move to Cart," or something similar next to each item in your wishlist. Click on it to place the item in your shopping cart.

5. Save items in your shopping cart: If you're not ready to make a purchase immediately, you can leave items in your shopping cart for future reference. The website should remember the items you've added, and you can revisit your cart later to complete the purchase.

By utilizing the wishlist and shopping cart features, you can keep track of items you're interested in, easily access them for future reference, and proceed with purchasing when you're ready.

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